

The “Whole Student” deserves a “Whole Education.”  Dr. Adolph “Doc” Brown, III addresses the best practices in the classroom and beyond for K-12, Higher Education, Universities & Community Colleges. Dr. Brown uses evidence informed practice combined with best available research and his vast experience as a veteran educator to deliver measurable outcomes.  As a Top K-12 Education Keynote Speaker, funny Master Teacher, and one of the best fun Campus motivational speakers today, Dr. Adolph Brown has extensive personal and professional experience and knowledge of the following programs, and many more: Early Childhood Education Development Programs, Head Start, AVID, “Portrait of a Graduate,” Alternative Education, Special Needs, School Counselors, Special Education, 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CLCC), Career and Technical Education (CTE), Afterschool Programming, Title 1, (Titles I, II, III, IV, VII) TRIO Programs, “Leader In Me,” Character Education, Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Programs and School-to-Prison Pipeline Paradigms.



Join Dr. Brown as he explores the dynamics of compassion fatigue experienced by those helping individuals in distress.  Educators and other helping professionals have been known to have an extreme state of tension and preoccupation with the suffering of those being helped to the degree that it can create a secondary traumatic stress for the helper.

Learning Objectives

  1. Participants will learn how best to recognize and manage the symptoms.
  2. Participants will learn practical, authentic and sustainable self-care and healing strategies.

Self-reflection is a humbling process. It’s essential to find out why we think, say, and do certain things…then better ourselves. Self-reflection and self-correction are the highest forms of self learning and healing, thus to change the world around us, we must first change the world within us.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this program the attendees will gain the following:

  1. Know that no matter how good a lesson is, one’s teaching strategies can always be improved.
  2. Learn the process of connecting self-reflection to the teaching process.

Childhood trauma is an urgent issue with a profound effect on learning. In this seminar, Dr. Brown successfully addresses the needs of all young people and adults alike, by sharing the importance of dealing with the issues in your backpacks before they deal with your success and happiness. This seminar increases one’s sense of self, grows social intelligence, and promotes individuals’ capacities to work collaboratively to positively make a difference in the lives of others.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this program the attendees will gain the following:

  1. Participants will be encouraged to see the toxic stress beneath the surface and teach from a trauma-informed perspective.
  2. Participants will begin to create teams who develop a climate for learning where ALL students and educators experience success

Learn and laugh with the outrageous motivation and highly-interactive education delivery of Dr. Adolph Brown as he takes all on a journey of Teaching & Learning Excellence. Doc demonstrates how the connective capacity of good educators lead to student success and retention with field-tested strategies. This session is designed to greatly increase student achievement across ethnicity, gender, language, and SES. With music, motivation, and profound messages, this is a workshop that will inspire, ignite, and excite all who attend.

Learning Objectives

  1. Learn evidence-based strategies to move 21st Century students from boredom to stardom!
  2. Transform the culture and climate of your school on behalf of ALL student learners.

Literally, one cannot tell the contents of a book by just looking at the material used to hold it together.  A book with a torn and worn cover may be more important, more entertaining, or more useful than a book bound in a flashier manner.  The same can be extended to relationships.  The prejudice of making decisions solely based on outward appearance could cost one the chance of a meaningful encounter.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this program the attendees will gain the following:

  1. At the end of the session, attendees will be able to avoid the “pejorative tradition” of falling into the trap of only looking at the surface of people, things, and ideas without taking the time and effort to delve deeper into them.
  2. At the end of the session, attendees will be able to utilize strict self-discipline, concepts of diversity, inclusion, equity and fairness in putting prejudices aside and looking deeper into everything we do.

Learn and laugh with the outrageous motivation and highly interactive education delivery of Dr. Adolph Brown as he takes all on a journey of Teaching & Learning Excellence.  Doc demonstrates how the connective capacity of good educators leads to student success and retention with field-tested strategies.  This session is designed to greatly increase student achievement across ethnicity, gender, language, and SES.  With music, motivation, and profound messages, this is a workshop that will inspire, ignite, and excite all who attend.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this program the attendees will gain the following:

  1. Learn evidence-based strategies to move 21st Century students from boredom to stardom!
  2. Transform the culture and climate of your school on behalf of ALL student learners.

As an educator, businessman and former psychiatric nurse aide, Dr. Brown increases public awareness and appreciation for career and technical education (CTE).  Dr. Brown uses relatable research and best practices to engagingly and entertainingly highlight how CTE is the answer to many of the major challenges facing our nation.

Learning Objectives

  1. Participants will learn the value of CTE in reducing dropout rates, postsecondary access and completion, the skills gap, unemployment and more.
  2. Participants will learn the value of taking advantage of a wide range of international partnerships and powerful business and industry connections.

Teacher and the Student - what classroom success really looks likeOften times, professional development gives only one perspective. Be wowed by the perspectives of a high-risk student and his high-performing third grade teacher.  This captivating journey chronicles the early life of the young Adolph Brown and his third grade teacher as they both share the trials and triumphs of achievement against all odds.

Learning Objectives

  • Educators will find that the students they are often trying to inspire will end up inspiring them.
  • Educators will learn that when they take the hand of a student, they are likely to open the student’s mind while touching the student’s heart.

Blind Spots and Implicit Biases are hidden forces that shape our opinions, attitudes, perceptions and decisions about others. This interactive dynamic and fun presentation will address the shortcuts that create our mental blind spots.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this program the attendees will gain the following:

  1. Provide motivation and knowledge that will help attendees remain focused, motivated and inspired to overcome faulty personal beliefs, prior expectations, and anchors.
  2. Contribute to development and/or maintenance of safe spaces of respect, acceptance and support for ALL.

Head Start helped young Adolph Brown with his rough start.  Who Dr. Adolph Brown is today, began with Head Start.  Dr. Brown is giving back to the places where it all begins by addressing educators, parents, guardians, and paraprofessionals of Early Childhood Development. Dr. Brown is a frequently invited motivational keynote speaker, child development trainer, and seminar leader on topics of child development birth to 8, parent engagement, family engagement, community engagement and father involvement. As a former Head Start student and practicing clinical and educational psychologist, Dr. Adolph Brown has successfully consulted with and positively impacted over 100 Head Start programs and early childhood organizations across the nation and abroad.

Learning Objectives

  1. Dr. Brown shares his triumphant journey as a Head Start student with inspiring stories and hilarious anecdotes coupled with gems of early childhood, parenting, and professional development insights and evidence-based research.
  2. Dr. Adolph Brown provides relatable education, sound advice and applicable strategies for all parents, teachers, and staff of all early childhood programs, child and welfare agencies, and foster care organizations.

Many of today’s students have lived with and used technology most if not all of their lives.  Embark on an informative and interactive journey with Dr. Brown as he demonstrates who today’s learners are, how personal technology use impacts learning in the classroom, how technology can be selectively used to enhance learning, and the elements to consider when engaging learners in a digital learning environment.

Learning Objectives

  1. Participants will learn how to use technology to make connections in and beyond the classroom, and explore different andragogical and pedagogical practices that facilitate 21st Century classroom management.
  2. Participants will learn strategies for an Engaged Learning Plan for use in their classroom courses.
  • Date March 15, 2018
  • Tags Doc